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Trump Campaign Launches “Jewish Voices for Trump” Coalition

President Donald J. Trump announced “Jewish Voices for Trump,” a coalition of thought leaders, business trailblazers, former administration officials, authors, influencers, and those within the Jewish community.

United by its faith and heritage, the “Jewish Voices for Trump” coalition recognizes the dangerous rise in radical leftist antisemitism in our streets and on our college campuses, and the historic achievements President Donald J. Trump made towards the strength and stability of the Jewish community, both at home and abroad. When he returns to the White House, President Trump is committed to the promise of restoring peace and prosperity, not just for the Jewish people, not just for the State of Israel, but for the entire world.

For those in the Jewish community who feel politically homeless, for those who have been betrayed by the Biden administration’s many flip-flops on the safety and security of the Jewish community and the State of Israel, you do have a home. It’s with the Republican Party, and with President Donald J. Trump. “Jewish Voices for Trump” comes together with one voice, to make sure that President Donald J. Trump becomes the next President of the United States.

To join Jewish Voices for Trump and get involved, please visit


“Campuses have exploded with antisemitic protests, and Iran-backed proxies represent an existential threat to the State of Israel, all because of the failed policies of the Harris-Biden administration.” – David Friedman, former US Ambassador to Israel


“The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) is proud to stand with the most pro-Israel President in US history, Donald J. Trump. This is the most important election of our lifetimes, and the RJC is all-in to elect President Trump and Senator Vance.” – RJC National Chairman, Senator Norm Coleman, and RJC CEO Matt Brooks


“I have known President Donald J. Trump for over 25 years. He fully understands the issues our great country is facing and is unafraid to speak the truth about the dramatic dangers lurking around the world for America and its allies.” – Jason D. Greenblatt, former Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations


“The October 7th attacks were the outcome of the Harris-Biden administration’s failed policies. Contrast that with President Trump’s peace through strength, and the choice is clear.” – Morgan Ortagus, former State Department Spokeswoman


“Under President Trump’s leadership, the American Jewish community was protected from antisemitism, and Israel was given historic support. With President Trump back in office, we can return to the successes of the first Trump term.” – Ellie Cohanim, former Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism


“We are currently seeing the results of a disastrous Harris Biden admin, and Harris-Walz presidency will be the worst possible outcome for the USA – Israel relationship.” – Aryeh Lightstone, former Senior Advisor to the US Ambassador to Israel


“President Trump will reaffirm our strategic commitment to Israel, confront Iran’s campaign of terror, and reassert American values at home by stopping the spread of antisemitism and anti-American sentiment in our streets, which go hand in hand.” – Elizabeth Pipko, RNC Spokeswoman


“The future of Western Civilization depends on reelecting President Trump, and that is no exaggeration. Only he has shown the willingness and capability to do what needs to be done, to fight against theologically motivated terrorism.” – Brooke Goldstein


“President Trump is the most pro-Israel president in this country’s history, and his support for Israel will be just as resolute in a second term.” – Jacob Helberg


“President Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, rejected the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, and was the most effective president in history for the U.S.-Israel relationship.” – Jeff Bartos


“Donald Trump was the most pro-Israel president ever and the most pro-Jewish president since George Washington himself. I’m proud to support him over the pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah radicals who dominate today’s Democratic Party.” – Josh Hammer


“Our cities and campuses are being overrun by Hamas supporters, Israel is being attacked, our border is open, and the Democrats are fine with it. I am tired of disorder and crime. It is time for strength and confidence — it is time for TRUMP.” – Noah Pollak


“President Donald J Trump is a leader who stands firm in the face of pressure, and I am honored to endorse his reelection bid.” – Laibel Jay Weiner


“President Trump has made a commitment, not just to the United States, but to the entire world. We cannot endure four more years of Democrat appeasement, weakness, and chaos.” – Dr. Sheila Nazarian

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