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Kamala Harris just wrapped up her first non-softball interview of her vice presidency — and calling it a “complete and total disaster” would be the understatement of the year.

Over and over again, Kamala humiliated herself — angry, defensive, incoherent, and unwilling to take any responsibility for the destruction she has unleashed over the past four years.



Here’s what you missed:

•Kamala refused to apologize to the families of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin, and Laken Riley — American citizens brutally murdered by illegals she let into the country: “Those are tragic cases.”

•Kamala rebuffed the chance to apologize to the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old American viciously murdered by two illegals she let into the country: “Let’s talk about what is happening right now with an individual who does not want to participate in solutions.”

•Kamala flailed (again) when confronted over her refusal to distance herself from Biden: “My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency.”

•Kamala couldn’t (or wouldn’t) say how many illegal aliens she has released into the country: “It is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have.”

•Kamala wouldn’t disavow her support of driver’s licenses, free college tuition, and free health care for illegal immigrants: “We will support and enforce federal law.”

•Kamala defended handing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran and its proxies: “Let’s go back to Donald Trump.”

•Kamala abdicated responsibility for covering up Biden’s cognitive decline and lying about it: “He has the judgment and the experience to do what he has done.”

•Kamala wouldn’t say when — if ever — she realized her border crisis was, in fact, a crisis: “Let’s all be honest about that. I have no pride in saying that this is a perfect immigration system. I have been clear — I think we all are!”

•Kamala declined to address her support of taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries for prisoners and illegal aliens: “That ad from the Trump campaign is a little bit like throwing stones when you live in a glass house.”

•Kamala attempted to blame her border crisis on President Trump because he opposed her mass amnesty bill: “This is rightly a discussion that the American people want to have.”

•Kamala insisted “experts” are smarter than Americans who trust President Trump over her on the economy: “It has been clear to those who study and understood how economic policy works.”

•Kamala dodged the incompatibility of her claim she is “turning the page” when she is currently in office: “And Donald Trump has been running for office!”

•Kamala cracked under the pressure of her first non-softball interview: “THIS IS A DEMOCRACY!”

•Kamala had no answer for why, if President Trump is as bad as she claims, he’s beating her in the polls: “It’s not supposed to be easy.”

There’s a reason Kamala’s handlers desperately wanted the interview to end: it was an abject disaster.

Kamala, please keep these interviews coming.




Trump Campaign Statement on Kamala Harris’ Train Wreck Fox News Interview


“Kamala Harris’ interview with Bret Baier was a TRAIN WRECK. Kamala was angry, defensive, and once again abdicated any responsibility for the problems Americans are facing. She couldn’t give a straight answer to a single question because she has no answers. Kamala’s entire campaign is based on lies about President Trump. Kamala can’t handle the pressure of an interview with Fox News—she certainly can’t handle the pressure of being President of the United States.”

– Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary




Catholic Support for President Trump SURGES as Kamala Harris Skips Al Smith Charity Dinner


For the first time since 1984, a presidential candidate has declined the annual Al Smith Charity Dinner. Why? Her radical policies are fundamentally at odds with Catholic teachings, and her history of anti-Catholic rhetoric has further alienated this crucial voting bloc.


She is SO radical and her Catholic hate permeates SO much of her campaign, that recent polling reveals that 50 percent of Catholics in battleground states support President Trump.


By not attending the annual Al Smith Charity Dinner, she’s sending a powerful message to Catholics: That they aren’t welcome in her coalition. The dinner, a long-standing tradition benefiting Catholic Charities, has seen every presidential candidate accept the invitation—until now.

Kamala Harris Boycott’s Catholic Charity Dinner, Continuing Her Anti-Catholic Campaign: Harris’s record speaks for itself. She has repeatedly targeted Catholic institutions and individuals with policies and rhetoric that stand in direct contrast to Catholics’ core beliefs. 


Additionally, she:

  • Kamala Harris has repeatedly attacked the Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic fraternal organization with over 2 million members and $1.5 billion raised for charity in the past decade.
  • She led a bigoted campaign against Brian Buescher’s nomination to the U.S. District Court for Nebraska, citing his faith as a Catholic as a disqualifying factor in her eyes.
  • She sponsored legislation aimed at shutting down charitable Catholic organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor for refusing to conform to radical leftist beliefs on gender identity.
  • Harris supported the Equality Act, which would force religious institutions, including churches, to compromise their core beliefs or lose their religious rights.
  • As California attorney general, she got a law passed requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to “promote abortion,”—many of which are Catholic or Christian—undermining their faith-based mission.
  • In 2015, Kamala Harris used her power as California attorney general to put six Catholic hospitals out of business.

BOTTOM LINE: Harris’ absence from the Al Smith Dinner and abandonment of Catholic families will result in Catholics abandoning her on November 5th. President Donald Trump has and will continue to listen to and fight for ALL Americans; that’s the difference. President Trump’s mission is to protect the freedom of every individual to practice their faith.

Under President Trump’s leadership, our nation saw remarkable support for religious freedom, restored protections for faith-based organizations and strengthened the rights of religious institutions against government overreach.

President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Greenville, North Carolina


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in Greenville, North Carolina on Monday, October 21, 2024, at 3:00PM EDT.

Tar Heel State residents are feeling the pain of Kamala Harris and the Democrats’ reckless inflationary spending. Over half of North Carolinians say inflation has drastically impacted their spending this year, with 50.2 percent identifying it as the top issue facing their state. Since Harris took office, prices have soared by 21.8 percent, costing families in North Carolina an extra $1,000 per month. The average Tar Heel family has already lost nearly $28,000 just to keep up with the soaring cost of living under Harris.

North Carolinians are being squeezed at every turn, paying more for everything in their daily lives. North Carolina families are paying over $100 more on food every single month, and since January 2021, they’ve spent over $3,200 more just to put food on the table. Housing is becoming increasingly out of reach, with home prices jumping a staggering 40 percent since Harris took office—climbing from an average of $240,374 to $335,760. And thanks to the Harris-Biden war on American energy, gas prices have hit record highs.

Kamala Harris has abandoned North Carolina families, leaving them to struggle under the crushing weight of inflation and skyrocketing costs. President Trump will put an end to this madness when he returns to the White House. He has a proven track record of economic success from his first term, and he will put more money in people’s pockets as the 47th President of the United States.

Date and Time:

Monday, October 21, 2024
3:00PM EDT

Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum

200 Ficklen Dr.

Greenville, NC 27858

Timeline of Events:

11:00AM – Doors Open

3:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

General Admission Tickets:


Request Media Credentials:


All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 5:00PM EDT.

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