BEIJING BIDEN Mythical Basement Campaign: Cellar Dwellers…Biden is Chinese Communist Party BFF! Best Friends Forever! Oh, and Hunter Biden loves China Communists too! He loves them $1.5 billion times over!
Joe Biden has a disastrous decades-long record on China:
- This time last year, Joe Biden was ignorantly downplaying the threat of China to the United States:
- “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man.” They’re not bad folks, folks… They’re not competition for us.”
- In 2000, Biden downplayed China hurting American manufacturing:
- “Nor do I see the collapse of the American manufacturing economy, as China, a nation with the impact on the world economy about the size of the Netherlands’ suddenly becomes our major economic competitor.”
- In 2016, Joe Biden led the passage efforts for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)—an Obama trade deal that would have devastated American manufacturing in favor of China.
- By contrast, President Trump delivered on his promise to finally stand up to China like no other American president before him.
- President Trump’s tough approach worked and now the U.S. and China have entered Phase One of a trade deal, and China will not be ripping us off like they once did.
- While President Trump champions his America first agenda—Joe Biden promises a return to the globalist status quo.
- You go Joe: Loving up that basement of yours! I’ll order you up some Senakot