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Seniors Are Suffering In Kamala’s Economy

“Social Security benefits aren’t keeping up with inflation,” CNN reported Wednesday, highlighting the story of a 78-year-old Pennsylvania woman who says she is “down to eating ramen for lunch.”

CNN“Until last year, Janet Albrecht could afford to eat roast beef sandwiches or tuna salad for lunch. But the widowed 78-year-old now has to skimp on her meals because her Social Security benefits haven’t kept up with the rising costs for food, housing and health care in recent years. 

A retired graphic designer, Albrecht estimates she’s paying $100 more a month at the supermarket than she was before inflation started skyrocketing in 2021. Her landlord increased the monthly rent by a total of $65 over the past two years, her utility bills are larger and some of the seven medications she takes daily after suffering a heart attack have gotten more expensive. She hasn’t had a haircut in more than a year, though she doesn’t like to wear her hair so long.”

Janet is far from the only senior struggling to make ends meet in the Kamala economy.

President Donald J. Trump will bring economic relief to seniors like Janet with his plan to eliminate taxes on Social Security — while Kamala is set on destroying Social Security and Medicare by doling out government benefits, meant for America’s seniors, to illegal aliens.

As President Trump said Wednesday“To help seniors on fixed incomes who are suffering the ravages of inflation, there will be no tax on Social Security.”


SENIORS ARE STRUGGLING TO GET BY UNDER KAMALA·  After three years of far-left policies from Kamala and Democrats, many seniors living on fixed incomes are struggling to get by — facing higher costs for just about everything.


MASS AMNESTY THREATENS SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE·  Kamala’s and Democrats’ mass amnesty push would devastate already-struggling programs — like Social Security and Medicare, which are vital for millions of Americans.

In its current state, Medicare will be unable to provide full benefits for its 65 million recipients by 2031, and Social Security will be unable to provide full benefits for its 66 million retirees by 2033.

Medicare and Social Security are only expected to become more expensive in the future.

If granted mass amnesty, millions of illegal immigrants would begin to drain more funds from Social Security and Medicare than they currently contribute in taxes.

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