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President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania on Sunday, September 29, 2024, at 2:00PM EDT.

Erie is no stranger to the disastrous policies of the Harris-Biden administration. Pennsylvanians are paying an extra almost $1,000 per month for the same basket of goods due to Kamala’s inflation crisis, and real wages have declined as Americans’ total credit card debt breaks new records. Gas and diesel prices remain at historic highs thanks to the Harris-Biden administration’s crackdown on American energy and Pennsylvania fracking.

Meanwhile, Border Czar Kamala Harris’ wide open southern border has brought tens of millions of unvetted foreigners and literal tons of lethal drugs right into our country. Pennsylvania communities are being hollowed out by a scourge of drugs like fentanyl flowing across the border, as other communities struggle to absorb thousands of migrants being sent to their doorsteps.

More broadly, Erie has been on the receiving end of America’s lopsided trade deals that have allowed foreign adversaries to hollow out our industry. Countless factories have shuttered and countless more quality American jobs have been lost thanks to the nonsensical dogma of ‘free trade’.

A Trump-Vance administration will pick up where the first Trump administration left off to fuel an American revival of strong job growth, low inflation, and prosperity for everyday Pennsylvanians. President Trump will unleash Pennsylvania energy and get back to re-writing America’s faulty trade agreements to support the Pennsylvania industrial prowess that built America.

Date and Time:

Sunday, September 29, 2024
2:00PM EDT


Bayfront Convention Center

1 Sassafras Pier

Erie, PA 16507

Timeline of Events:

10:00AM – Doors Open

2:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

General Admission Tickets:


Request Media Credentials:


All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Friday, September 27, 2024, at 5:00PM EDT.




ICYMI: Even CNN Knows Kamala’s Border Drop-In Is A Political Ploy


Kamala’s last-ditch photo op underscores her humiliating desperation

After importing tens of millions of unvetted illegals into the country, “Border Czar” Kamala Harris will make an eleventh hour visit to the southern border tomorrow.


Her drop-in just so happens to come weeks before an election in which she badly trailsPresident Trump on the issue of immigration — a top issue for voters.


Even CNN is calling BS.



Click here to watch the segment


“She has a long history — a well documented history — of really being an ally to these [illegal] immigrant communities. She has two chapters in her book … where she really makes a robust case for undocumented immigrants,” said CNN political correspondent Eva McKend.


“During the Trump administration, she talked about a climate of fear, she dismissed the border wall as ‘ineffective’ and a ‘waste’ … So for her to go down there and characterize herself as tough on the border it, to me, it isn’t consistent with a lot of the policy positionsthat she previously has espoused.”


Kamala isn’t not fooling anybody. She has spent her entire career advocating for ultra-left immigration policies — ending deportationsmass amnestyabolishing ICEdecriminalizing illegal border crossingsfree health care for illegals, sanctuary cities, and much more. She hasn’t missed an opportunity to smear Border Patrol agents, distract from her complicity in the unprecedented border invasion, and ignore the consequences of her incompetence.


Nothing has changed.




FIVE ALARM FIRE: Kamala’s Softball Interview Scorched By The New York Times, Others


When you’ve lost The New York Times…

The reviews are in for Kamala’s softball interview on MSNBC last night — and they’re brutal.




The New York Times’s Reid Epstein — among the first to correctly observe Liz Cheney’s ultimate demise — led with a blistering review, saying the interview “elicited few details” as Kamala “avoided direct questions about how she would govern and why some voters remain fond of former President Donald J. Trump’s stewardship of the economy.”

Epstein went on to blast Kamala for responding to “basic and predictable questions with roundabout responses that did not provide a substantive answer,” while noting the lack of questions around “positions Ms. Harris supported during her 2020 presidential campaign or what, if anything, she knew about Mr. Biden’s physical condition or mental acuity.”


The interview was widely panned as a disaster for Kamala:

Scott Jennings, CNN: “Going on with this particular interviewer was like effectively interviewing with her campaign’s press secretary. She had nothing — nothing — new to say on the economy beyond this ridiculous pablum.”

Victor Nava, The New York Post: “[She] refused to explain how she intends to pay for her pricey economic plan … one of several questions she dodged.”

Alex Thompson, Axios: “[The interview] was with somebody who went on TV last Friday and said, ‘I’m basically voting for Kamala Harris.'”

Joe Concha, Fox News: “We saw EXACTLY why Stephanie Ruhle was chosen to conduct this interview — if you could even call it that.”

Matt Vespa, Townhall: “It was everything you’d expect it to be, which is a total trainwreck.”

Myah Ward, Politico: “The campaign’s decision to select Ruhle — a friendly interviewer for Harris — for the first national, solo sit down has drawn criticism.”

Daniel Dale, CNN: “Harris made a false claim about the jobs record of her Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump.”

Glenn Kessler, The Washington Post: “Harris flubs manufacturing jobs claim.”

Geoff Earle, The Daily Mail: “Harris is stumped by question about crucial part of her economic policy.”

Rebecca Robinson, The Express: “Kamala Harris left stumped and speechless by difficult question during grilling on MSNBC.”

Mabinty Quarshie, The Washington Examiner: “Harris did not get grilled…”

Politifact: “Harris sticks to talking points on MSNBC.”

Reagan Reese, The Daily Caller: “[She] still has yet to explain why she has continued to flip-flop on various policy issues or why her campaign refuses to define her stance on several topics.”

Charlie Spiering, The Daily Mail: “Kamala Harris’ latest word salad on MSNBC leaves people wondering if she discovered a new buzzword.”

Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart: “[She] failed to answer questions even in a friendly interview…”

Duane Patterson, Hot Air: “She had no understanding what she was saying about tariffs or anything else.”

Andrew Stiles, The Washington Free Beacon: “Harris recited familiar talking points and dished out indecipherable word salads…”

Jorge Bonilla, Media Research Center: “As awful as expected.”

The New York Times said it best: “A hard-hitting Harris interview is still yet to come.”


Jake Schneider

Rapid Response Director

Team Trump | GOP





ICYMI: First Lady Melania Trump’s Sit-Down Interview



Watch the full interview HERE.

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