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New Video from President Donald J. Trump: I WILL END DOUBLE TAXATION…

Watch the full video here or read the full transcript below:

To all my fellow Americans living abroad, I need you to join me right now in saving our country. Our country is in very serious trouble.

You have to make sure that you are registered and you are going to vote, because I’m going to take very good care of you. I’m going to take care of our nation.

We’re in a failing nation, and we’re going to bring it back, and we’re going to bring it back strong. Once and for all, I’m going to end double taxation on our Overseas Citizens.

You’ve been wanting this for years, and nobody has listened to you, and you deserve it, and I’m going to do it. It’s the right thing to do, and no American leader has ever been willing to stand up and commit to you the way that I have on many things, but this is a very important element for your safety, security, and, frankly, for your wallet.

But I’m not like everyone else. I get things done. When I say it, I get things done. So, I’m going to get this done for you. It’s a big one, ending double taxation, and you are going to be very happy when I’m back in office and get it done for you.

So, I need you to get out and vote. Cast your vote today. Remember, we’re in a failing nation. It’s a nation in decline. I’m going to turn it around. Don’t wait to vote. Make sure you’re registered and cast your vote as soon as you can. God bless you and God bless our beautiful country. Thank you very much.




ICYMI: President Donald J. Trump’s TRUTH on Edge in Latest Battleground State Polling



See the TRUTH here.




President Trump: ‘We will make interest on car loans fully deductible’


President Donald Trump delivered a powerful speech Thursday at the Detroit Economic Club in which he outlined his plan to make America prosperous again.

President Trump said that “by the end of my term” the entire world will be talking about “the Michigan miracle.”

President Trump: “I am announcing that as part of our tax cuts, we will make interest on car loans fully deductible.”

President Trump: “When we do all of this, you will witness nothing less than the launch of a new American industrial revolution.

Thousands of factories will open up all across our land. Great-paying blue-collar jobs will lift up those who have suffered so terribly over the past four years… Inflation will come down fast. American cars and products will be exported and admired throughout the world again. Young people will move from the coasts and big cities into the heartland to build their fortunes on the new frontier of the American Midwest.”

President Trump: “Kamala’s EV mandate is one of the most demented regulations that’s been conceived… It will destroy U.S. auto manufacturing immediately. It will destroy our trucking-based supply chain, destroy our electric grid, destroy our military, destroy our roads and bridges with vehicles that are far too heavy… destroy the state of Michigan, and it will totally destroy our Middle Class.”

President Trump: “I will keep your taxes low and your job numbers high… The theft of our companies, factories, jobs, and wealth by foreign countries is over.  We are not going to allow it to happen anymore. And many of those who left will be coming back – and they’re going to be coming back fast.”

President Trump: “When foreign leaders and CEOs call me up to complain about our tariffs, my answer will be very simple: Build it in America… Build it in Detroit… Build it in Dearborn, or Lansing, or Grand Rapids, or Flint.”




“HOTTER THAN ANTICIPATED”: Kamala’s Price Hike Continues


New inflation data shows prices are STILL rising. Overall prices are up 20.5% since Kamala took office, with electricity up 31.3%, rent up 22.9%, and groceries up 22.1%.

The price hikes will keep coming until morale improves — when Kamala is relegated from office once and for all.



Today’s new Consumer Price Index, the final inflation report before the election, shows year-over-year prices increased by 2.4% in September — far higher than the 1.4% inflation rate when President Trump left office and the 43rd straight month where inflation has remained above the Fed’s target rate.

Under Kamala, inflation has averaged 5.2% — almost three times the average inflation rate under President Trump.

Meanwhile, real average weekly earnings are down 3.4% since Kamala took office; they increased 8.2% under President Trump. Real wages remain lower than when Harris and Biden first took office.

Kamala, whose policies sent prices soaring in the first place, will send them even higher. There’s not a thing she would do differently than Biden — and it shows as she doubles down on the inflationary Harris-Biden agenda with the largest tax hike in history, a Soviet-style price control scheme, and a housing plan that will only drive home prices higher.

After almost four years of Kamala-induced price hikes, relief is on the way when President Donald J. Trump is re-elected and prosperity is unleashed once again.




Trump Campaign Statement on Kamala’s Worsening Economy


“Kamala Harris’ terrible economic policies continue to hit the American people where it hurts. The latest inflation report came in hotter than anticipated, overall prices are still up more than 20% since Kamala took office, and real average weekly earnings are down 3.4%. Eggs, for goodness’ sake, are 70% more expensive since Kamala Harris took office! Additionally, the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits last week jumped to the highest level in a year. If Kamala is given another four years, our economy will nosedive into the worst depression this country has ever seen. Americans will continue to be robbed of their paychecks with astronomical inflation and higher taxes. There is only one solution to fix our economy: re-electing President Trump. He’s a businessman with a proven track record of success and will turn Kamala’s worsening economy around on day one.” – Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary


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