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ICYMI: Video Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Biden’s Inflation Tax

Joe Biden’s Inflation Tax continues to take away 30 to 50 percent of every dollar you have. It’s like a sales tax, but bigger, more painful, and more destructive because all the money goes to pay for Joe Biden’s wasteful inflation spending like the Green New Scam.


Not ONE THING is cheaper under Crooked Joe—food, gasoline, cars, trucks, rent, and mortgages are all through the roof. Biden’s Price Hikes are killing the American Dream.



Watch the video here.




ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump



Read the Truth here.




ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump



Read the Truth here.




ICYMI: Truth from President Donald J. Trump



Read the Truth here.




Trump Campaign Statement on April’s Consumer Price Index


“Joe Biden’s poll numbers continue to sink as prices for the American people continue to rise. Bidenomics is an unmitigated disaster. Workers and families are literally paying the price for Joe Biden’s failed economic policies, with prices on household essentials like gas, food, rent, and diapers skyrocketing. Baby food and formula alone are up 30%. Overall prices are up 20%, while real average weekly earnings are down 4.4% since Biden took office. The American people cannot afford four more years of Bidenomics. President Trump built the strongest economy in our country’s history. When President Trump is back in the White House, he will reimplement his America First agenda of low taxes, lower prices, and higher wages to uplift all Americans.”


—Trump Campaign Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt




MEMORANDUM: 2024 Presidential Debates—Let’s Do More


TO: Biden Campaign HQ

        Attn: Jennifer O’Malley Dillon


FROM: Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc.


DATE: May 15, 2024


RE: 2024 Presidential Debates

Dear Jennifer O’Malley Dillon and Biden Team:

Today is a good day for America’s voters, now that Joe Biden has FINALLY accepted President Trump’s debate challenge. President Trump and our campaign have been requesting this for months with a consistent message:


President Trump has already accepted the CNN debate invitation for June 27.

He has also accepted your proposal for a debate in September. But we believe there should be more than just two opportunities for the American people to hear more from the candidates themselves. With the soaring inflation of Bidenomics costing America’s hardworking families at the grocery store and at the gas pump, with our border being totally overrun, with chaos at home, chaos across the world, chaos on our college campuses, we should have one debate per month.

Therefore, we propose a debate in June, a debate in July, a debate in August, and a debate in September, in addition to the Vice Presidential debate. Additional dates will allow voters to have maximum exposure to the records and future visions of each candidate.

We believe the American people deserve more than what the Biden administration has to offer.

With best regards,

Chris LaCivita, Susie Wiles, and The Trump Victory Team

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