From Election Day, November 3rd, the day I realized that the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged, I would never have agreed to go to Joe…
Heard that Alyssa Farah was terrible on The View—they could have asked the people who know her and saved a lot of time. She was…
Mitch McConnell has stated that he will not go to the signing of the “Non-Infrastructure” Bill (only 11% for real Infrastructure) or, as it is…
The lawsuit brought by a woman who made up false accusations against President Trump for publicity or money has just been dropped in its totality.…
The Unselect Committee of politically ambitious hacks continues to subpoena people wanting to know about those protesting, on January 6th, the insurrection which took place during the Presidential Election of November 3rd.
Why is it that Old Crow Mitch McConnell voted for a terrible Democrat Socialist Infrastructure Plan, and induced others in his Party to do likewise when he was incapable of getting a great Infrastructure Plan wanting to be put forward by me and the Republican Party?
I would like to thank my BASE for coming out in force and voting for Glenn Youngkin. Without you, he would not have been close to winning. The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before. Glenn will be a great governor. Thank you to the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia and most particularly, to our incredible MAGA voters!
“Without MAGA, he would have lost by 15 points or more,” Mr. Trump said, referring to the shorthand he and his supporters use for the Trump movement. “Instead of giving us credit, they say, ‘Oh he’s more popular than Trump.’ It’s unbelievable.”
President Trump Radio Interview 11/3/2021 Part 1; President Trump Radio Interview 11/3/2021 Part 2; Youngkin WINS Historic Election in VA and Around the Country; America Speaks to John Fredericks!
“If there were no Trump in this election, there would be no Glenn Youngkin.” – John Fredericks, the John Fredericks Show 11/3/21
Hopefully, everyone will get out and VOTE tomorrow for Glenn Youngkin, who will be a fantastic Governor for the Great State of Virginia.
The Fake News media, together with some of the perverts doing ads ad nauseam on primarily Fox (Fox shouldn’t take those ads!), are trying to create an impression that Glenn Youngkin and I are at odds and don’t like each other. Importantly, this is not true, we get along very well together and strongly believe in many of the same policies. Especially when it comes to the important subject of education.
Targeting all Virginia Statewide MAGA voters! A call led by President Donald J. Trump. We expect tens of thousands of participants in the largest tele-rally ever. President Trump will be encouraging MAGA voters to vote for the Virginia Republican ticket.
As he runs for governor of Virginia, Mr. Youngkin has built a coalition, as one prominent conservative described it, of Trump voters and angry parents.