WAR ROOM: Battleground is Bannon’s newest addition to his daily shows and will premiere Monday, March 7, airing 6:00-7:00 PM weekdays. Bannon says his new show will focus on news, analysis, and the personalities of the 2022 midterm elections.
The actual conspiracy to defraud the United States was the Democrats rigging the Election, and the Fake News Media and the Unselect Committee covering it up. Few things could be more fraudulent, or met with more irregularities, than the Presidential Election of 2020.
JFMN will have enormous reach into Philadelphia, all surrounding suburbs, half of Delaware, and most of South Jersey.
Americans Agree: The State of the Union is Worse After One Year Under Joe Biden
The “Precinct Strategy” is enlisting America First Patriots to their local County Republican Party committees, positions which are too often left vacant. LEARN MORE!
Georgia’s chief elections officer has stacked up appearances on conservative radio and other media in recent months — taking lumps over his break with Donald Trump in an effort to rebuild his standing in the GOP ahead of his 2022 campaign.
The National Archives did not “find” anything, they were given, upon request, Presidential Records in an ordinary and routine process to ensure the preservation of my legacy and in accordance with the Presidential Records Act.
This in itself is a scandal, the fact that a story so big, so powerful, and so important for the future of our Nation is getting zero coverage from LameStream, is being talked about all over the world. Just like they wouldn’t talk about the many Biden corruption scandals prior to the Election, (or for that matter now!), they won’t talk about this, which is potentially even bigger.
Even more Voter Fraud was just discovered in Wisconsin. It shows the Election was Rigged and Stolen. A hearing this week revealed at least 50,000 illegal phantom votes were cast in the 2020 Presidential Election, which is more than twice the “victory” margin.
The media’s characterization of my relationship with NARA is Fake News. It was exactly the opposite! It was a great honor to work with NARA to help formally preserve the Trump Legacy.
Joe Rogan is an interesting and popular guy, but he’s got to stop apologizing to the Fake News and Radical Left maniacs and lunatics. How many ways can you say you’re sorry?
Republicans are getting absolutely creamed with the phony redistricting going on all over the Country. Even the Fake New York Times is having a hard time believing how ridiculous things have gotten. We were expecting to do well in New York and now, we’ll lose 4 seats and the Old Broken-Down Crow, Mitch McConnell, sits back and does nothing to help the Party.
Facebook’s number of daily users has plunged for the first time in Facebook history. This means people are tired of Fake News and abuse and especially tired of their political shenanigans
Who fired General Flynn and started the Russia Hoax in the first place?
Why isn’t the Unselect Committee investigating the massive ballot harvesting operation that has just been irrefutably reported, on tape, in Georgia and other Swing States? Game changer, among many other game changers!