Salem, New Hampshire—We were the first to call the Amy surge and Biden’s 5th place debacle…we had 1-8 finishers exactly right in New Hampshire in…
Bloomberg tries to block the release of audiotapes. Money can’t buy love. Listen to the audio on Twitter:
Cartoon Artwork Courtesy of The Week.
CLICK ON PLAYER BUTTON TO WATCH THE VIDEO Former Mayor Pete doesn’t think very highly of the Obama-Biden record. Let’s compare.
GOOD RIDDANCE! President Trump to Backstabbers, Never Trumpers, Neo-Cons, War Mongers and Washed up Deep Staters: Adios! Lt. Col Alexander Vindman, a key witness in…
“President Trump’s pro-growth and deregulatory economic policies have unleashed our economy.” January’s jobs report shows a Trump economy that has added millions of jobs: The…
Mitt Rat-Weasel Romney (Once Again) Ditches Principles to Seek Far-Left’s Adulation…Yesterday, Romney threw aside principles to seek adulation and validation from the far-left and liberal…
President Trump Lays Out a Unifying Vision for the Future, As Divisive Dems Tear Apart American Ideals…As President Trump laid out a bold, optimistic, and…
After begging President Trump for a job during the transition and crawling on his hands and knees for an endorsement in his U.S. Senate primary…
By Mark Stoller And now… Last night the Iowa Democratic Party had a technical malfunction based on a voting app malfunction, which led them to…
President Trump wins big in Iowa caucus…Debacle continues into the second day…Dems can’t run a one day caucuses The Iowa caucuses were a complete disaster…
Biden’s Maginot Line: Campaign Tanks By John Fredericks and Curtis Ellis Feb. 3, 2020 Washington, D.C.–We have heard this from the DNC apologists and their…
Their hair has just caught fire. They know what I told you earlier today live from Iowa…Dems are melting down as the real prospect of…
In Iowa, Bernie Sanders Surges While Coastal Dem Elites Seethe Iowa Dems On Verge of Sticking A Finger In The Eye of Party Corporatists By…